What to Do When You Have Lost Your Transponder Key
If you have a transponder key, you already know the level of convenience that it affords you. Being able to easily start your car without a key in the ignition saves you time. You don’t have to worry about spending time searching for your key because you don’t need it to start your car. Having a transponder key also makes it much more difficult for someone to steal your car. With the advantages that a transponder key offers, it is logical that when you lose it, you begin to panic. As long as Cambridge Locksmith Services in Cambridge, MA is around, you don’t have anything to worry about. Our locksmiths have the qualifications needed to be able to reprogram another transponder key for your make and model vehicle.
When we begin to panic, it makes it difficult for us to think logically. If you cannot find your transponder key, stop and ask yourself what you did before you used this type of key? In most cases, you had a standard car key. Since they are easy to duplicate and inexpensive, most motorists have more than one. They provide the spare key to someone they trust. Since transponder keys are more expensive, most motorists don’t have a spare transponder key. Even though you may use a transponder key, you can still have a standard key made. This could serve as your spare key until you can get another transponder key made. You may even find that you simply misplaced your transponder key. At least by having a spare key made, you’ll have enough time to discover whether or not the other key is lost or just misplaced.
If you have dropped your key one too many times, it is possible that your transponder chip could fall out, without your knowing it. If you have noticed that your keys chip is missing, you can rely on the services of a mobile locksmith to come to wherever you are to reprogram a new chip. Some people mistake the chip for the battery. A certified locksmith will be able to determine which one is actually missing and act accordingly. It is possible to get what you need from a local Cambridge, MA dealership but it is less costly to rely on the services of a locksmith. Most mobile locksmiths have the same type of tools and equipment needed to do what a dealership would do in programming a new chip. Y
ou also save money in tow fees since most locksmith services offer mobile services that will come to your location.
Be Ready for the Worst
Don’t put it off another day; get a spare key. Getting a spare key made prevents you from panicking due to a lost or stolen key. Even if you decide to go ahead and invest in another transponder key, at least you know you have backup that is just a phone call away. Make sure that you put it in the hands of someone whom you trust and who will be around when you need them. It may not be the smartest thing to leave your spare key with someone who is known to travel a lot for business or leisure. When you are purchasing a new car, you might be surprised to find that the dealership will offer you an additional transponder key in order to get your business. We would highly recommend that you accept their offer. It will definitely save you in the end because transponder keys can be expensive to make.
Lost Key Insurance
We definitely need insurance for certain things but lost key insurance isn’t one of them. Just by taking some practical steps, like having a spare key made, you can minimize the probability of having to have another key made. Rather than spending money annually or monthly on insurance, it would be more cost-effective to simply purchase a spare key, even a spare transponder key would be less expensive than the lost key insurance.
When you are prone to losing things, you may want to find out how you can get what you need for less. In some cases, depending on the type of key you need, you can actually purchase another key online. Reliable resources, such as, eBay affords you the opportunity to purchase another key. When purchasing a transponder key online be careful to only buy if from a trustworthy, reputable manufacturer. It would also serve you well to make sure that whomever you buy it from offers a return policy if you discover that the key does not work for your car.
Another thing you should invest in, if you lose keys a lot, is a key locator. If you misplace your keys often, this will be extremely useful and save you time and frustration. It will steer you to the vicinity of where your key is located. You’ll also be happy to know that you can also purchase your key locator online for a lot less than you would find in most retail stores. Again, just make sure that if you purchase it from eBay or Amazon, the seller offers a return policy. We don’t want you simply throwing money away no matter how cheap they may be.
You may never lose your transponder key but if you do, at least now you know what you can do to ensure that you will not be without access to your vehicle for too long. The tips mentioned above have proved helpful for hundreds of motorists who find themselves without their transponder key. We are certain that they will also work for you. Just remember that you don’t have to deal with a dealership who will undoubtedly charge you far too much to provide you with a new transponder key than a local locksmith. Locksmith services are essential in getting drivers back on the road again, as quickly as possible. This is why most offer mobile locksmith services.
Remember it is often less expensive to rely on the services of a professional Irving, TX, locksmith than it is to turn to a local car dealership when you lose your transponder key.

Article source here: What to Do When You Have Lost Your Transponder Key